21 April, 2008

The need to establish my thoughts

Due to a chance conversation with a friend of mine, I have come to the conclusion that she has the right idea about a lot of things, one of those things is writing a blog... yea at first i thought it would be kind of lame but seeing how i can express my thoughts on a page i can access anywhere makes it very convenient to blog...

Other than expressing thoughts this blog may be used to vent =D

If anyone should somehow come across this blog (then i probably told you the site) ...well...lets just say I'm no saint and I've never pretended that i was =O

anyways it seems that i've been thinking about random things lately and it just seems like a waste of time not putting it down i guess so here i am blogging for the first time in the 17 years of my life yay for me!

first off...my pretty weird (and depressing) views:

I "try" not to judge someone based on their looks no matter how hard that impulse is...I said try didn't I?

Death is the end, simply put i believe there is no existence after death, no heaven no ghosts no nothing, unfortunately this makes me somewhat depressing to be around when i think about that cuz i dont like the fact that my consciousness is going to disappear for eternity and neither do i like the fact that ill be forgotten in about two generations time or less o.O

"People are stupid, the will believe anything because they refuse to believe the truth or are scared of it", No I don't think everyone is stupid...... I just think that when people get into large groups their mentality goes down the drain, thats why the media has such an easy time picking on certain groups when they have nothing left to cover... YES I MEAN MY AGE GROUP (15 -19 year olds) blah blah blah they drink too much they cause too much violence blah blah blah....*sigh* a minority of these people do this....and the whole group gets the blame...what a vindictive world we exist in =(

To further demonstrate this point...to both myself and anyone else who may read this:

"As I know more of mankind, I expect less of them, and am now ready to call a man a good man upon easier terms than I was formerly."
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)

He's quite right in saying so, as you meet new people it seems as if some groups of people tend to get worse and worse *sigh* its not my role to judge but hey its my blog so FUCK OFF I DON'T CARE IF YOU AGREE OR NOT!!!

Moving on, these days i find myself thinking about too many things that i probably can't comprehend... many of which have probably been raised by many people in the past so i'm gonna skip that and do as i said ...move on

Some information on myself... I'm 100% azn chinese to be precise but then again i havent checked my ancestry or whatever....so yea i can pull off an accent pretty well

I was born and raised here in Australia "the big down under" which is a pretty great place considering the conditions the other countries are in...

I attend an all boys school ==" - it's what we call a selective school here, we're supposedly the "cream of the crop" but whatever its just school to me.... let's see... right school is called Sydney Technical High "An academically selective school for boys" its my last year at this school so i'm trying to make it count for something and take away some great memories!

Yea my HSC is gonna suck big time if i don't pick up the slack now lol kinda sad for me to say that outloud but anyway i'm just gonna go for a 88.00 UAI lol pereeeeteee shite

I am a male, incompetent dancer (but somehow i can DDR lol), avid reader (just try and get me away from a good book without a good reason), i am a heavy smoker (yes i can admit my crappy addiction), i also drink and gamble (mainly poker), i'm a decent guy considering i do these things, i tend not to get drunk but my face does get red easily from drink cuz its like a family trait lol, i love to cook and mix beverages especially coffee!

I am a qualified barista!! yay!! seriously i can and have made kickass coffees, one of my life's greatest ambitions is to open up my own bar/restaurant and I WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS unless of course i choose a different way to earn a decent living (yes i do plan to be a bartender at the end of this year...), i really enjoy sport even the ones i'm shit at...WHO CARES ITS FUN!!!

last thing i can be bothered mentioning about myself... i enjoy playing video games!! like who doesnt but im sick of dota!!! people start playing COD4 NOW ITS BETTER!!! lol free advertising

right now theres this girl i kinda like but she doesnt know lol obviously! i plan to tell her this week =D anyways this is what im gonna say:

*name* this may seem pretty random but i like you, im just putting it out there so i can find out whether or not you feel the same way... if you dont that makes it easy for me so i can move on and still be friends you know? so like if you do feel something for me then would you like to go out or something?

I dont want to put any pressure on you or anything but if we do go into a relationship then i want to be able to part as friends

I'm blunt and i dont give a shit that i am it just makes things simpler for me deep down inside every person theres a caveman or whatever lurking there who still believes the world is flat and is scared shitless of nearly everything =P

nice way to end my first blog isnt it?