04 March, 2010

Smokin' Shadows

The thought just hit me when I was walking home from the station. As I looked at the ground, I noticed how the lights made a mass of shadows of myself appear and how they moved as I moved. Eventually when there was only one shadow left, I realised that shadows kind of represented how people are in reality. Allow me to elaborate (I love this word =D).

Imagine each light is a person, a stranger, a friend, an acquaintance or even a pet. Each light that shines on you creates a different shadow, each shadow being only a small part of the bigger darker shadow that forms under a a really bright light, the bright light being someone you really care for or vice versa or mutual. Anyways...what I'm trying to say is err...Everyone behaves differently towards different people, only revealing a single shadow to each light. With each additional light, you reveal another piece of yourself, another shadow or something like that. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore hahahah. Take what you want from it =]

Huh...you COULD say each shadow is a bond or burden too =/ I can't be bothered explaining more. In other news: I have decided to quit smoking simply because I want to be able to run again. Not being able to run just pisses me off for some reason...of all things that could have motivated me to quit, this one has got to be the least probable hahahhaa. Some of the other reasons I could've picked would be:

-Girls (most don't like smokers), I don't really care if they don't like it hahaha
-Cancer, I don't planning on living til my 80s, if I get cancer and it ain't treatable, fuck it I'll go out in some memorable manner and have some fun =D
-Health, running kind of counts but....meh I wouldn't really say that. I exercise frequently anyway =P

SO, here we are at the end of another one of my pointless and incoherent ramblings...what to say, what to say....well first off, I'm cutting down my intake of cigarettes by a huge amount. From the average of 25+ a day down to 8 today is a huge improvement and I'm sort of proud of myself....SORT OF... At any rate I'd just like to say something profound and thought provoking: Unfortunately, I have nothing...again =.=

Til next time random people randomly browsing through random blogs!

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