25 May, 2010

Inane ramblings: Part 2

"If you don't say anything, no one will know", this is probably why I still blog...no that's not it. It IS the reason why I still blog. I want to be heard. I want my existence acknowledged. I want to be remembered. I want to be understood. I'm being selfish. We all are. Humans strive to have their existence acknowledged by others. This is why we (despite our ardent objections and denials) crave information about celebrities and possibly fantasise about being known by the world.

Being self aware means knowing what it means to be alone, knowing that existence has an end but it also means pushing the limits of we can achieve before we perish. Why waste time being sad, being angry or being annoyed when we can just live for the moment and the future? Dwelling on things only makes it worse but thanks to guilt ridden society we live in it's fucking impossible. Especially since society as a whole is mainly dominated by two things: The english language and christianity. Here's why I believe this.

The english language provides the world with the shittest guilt tripping word in all of man kind: SHOULD. Fucking should. Just using that word implies guilt and reflection on your actions/thoughts/feelings/everything else. "Should" should be banished from any and all vocabularies. You should have, I should have, We should have, They should have....All of these phrases have one thing in common: Accusatory connotation. Fuck I'll leave it that. I don't like the word. I'm trying not to use it =/

Christianity...ahhh....my most hated religion. Dominance, social segregation, depression, unnecessary guilt, manipulation, arrogance, corruption, hatred, stupidity and too much other shit. Let's go on about each of the things I've mentioned shall we?

Note to zealous christians: If this offends you, kindly leave before you are offended and invite the wrath of your non-existent god on me =]

Dominance: "Believe in god", the ten commandments, ranking in the priesthood, hell, the celibacy of the priesthood, heaven, etc. Obeying one all mighty being that doesn't have a confirmed tangible form is just asking to be dominated and used. Fuck I won't go into a lot of detail for any of this or I won't stop. In fact I have a feeling that whatever I type after this will somehow relate to domination =/

Social segregation: I wonder who actually wrote the fucking bible. Must've been some puritan king of some sort who had a lot of issues and delusions. Anyways, I'm only gonna say a few words: Believe or you'll die, believe in something else and we'll kill you. What else is there to do but separate into to different groups to avoid retarded zealots? =/

Depression and Unnecessary guilt: Ahhhh....the concept of sin. "This is sin. That is sin. There is sin all around us." Shut the fuck up you retard. Sin is the creation of puritans. Not having any fun or having any sense of enjoyment is tantamount to giving up on life. Don't push your depression on me or anyone else. Fucking puritans. Oh right...I was supposed to be saying something else =/ Anyways confessional box and "confessing" this and that thing. I did this shit thing, I was horny, I had a wank, I had root, I had a fucking drink. Need I say any more?

Fuck I really "shouldn't" continue on my bitching. In fact I won't. This'll take hours to finish and I don't really have the time to be indignant nor will I bother typing this again unless I really need to vent.

[Insert: La di da di da and whatever, so on and so forth, something something something and insert some other shit that sounds meaningful but isn't and some random message to conclude]

Currently reading: "The interpretation of dreams" ~ Freud

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