02 June, 2010

Inane ramblings: Part 4

Well well well, it's a new money....I mean new month filled with money sorry, many opportunities for the common job seeker and uni student. Good news! I have a new job! But...will it last? =/ Anyways, it's the beginning of another month and almost end of financial year so yea it's time for all those slackers out there to look for a job right now. IT'S END OF FINANCIAL YEAR FFS! This is the time of year when employers are looking for new employees...errr...more specifically mid june to early july. It's cuz alot of people leave their jobs right around this time of year....dunno why maybe cuz it's winter and it's summer overseas o__O But yea now is the time to get a job, or at least attempting to...

Anyways here's a few tips for anyone with very little experience looking for a job...trust me you'll want these =]

1. ALWAYS TALK TO THE MANAGER!! Don't even bother with asking an employee for a job, when you find a place you want to work at, ask for a manager (or licensee if it's a licensed venue, usually one and the same though) and ask the MANAGER if they are hiring. NOT the employee. The MANAGER.

And this is why: The employee could lose your resume, shred it, throw it away, forget about it chuck it on some pile or even eat it...cmon some people eat paper alright? Continuing on...The manager has no fucking clue to who the fuck YOU are if you don't meet them in person, it's kinda like ordering some random foreign food off a menu without pictures or descriptions....You don't know what you're getting. Talking to the manager also helps cuz it's almost like an informal interview =] They ask about you, get to know you a bit and yea....you're better off than the guy who just dropped off his resume w/o thinking about it.

2. DON'T WASTE RESUMES/PAPER! Printing off a shitload of resumes can be a good idea....IF you have no idea where the hell you wanna work. But if you're talking to the managers instead of the staff, you'll know if they're interested or not. If they're not interested then forget giving them a resume, it'll save you shitloads of money in the long run. When you've applied for over 15 jobs in one day for an extended amount of time, you'll know what I mean...

3. DON'T BE TOO FUCKING PICKY!! Unless of course you already have experience....1 week of work experience in high school does NOT count =.= Pick something small to begin with, something that might not pay well....something that others might not wanna do. Who needs to give a fuck about what anyone thinks about where you work or what you do there as long as YOU are getting paid and getting valuable EXPERIENCE. Make a deal or something, take less pay for like a month or some shit to get into their good books and get the experience you need to move on. 6 months is ok-ish but it's better to have a year's worth of experience. The optimal amount of experience at a place is between 18-24 months =P

4. BE CONFIDENT!!!! I cannot stress this point enough. I don't mean in their face confident or being a complete dickhead. I mean being confident enough to talk about yourself, sell yourself a bit, twist the truth a little...A LITTLE BIT but not an outright lie. Show that you can learn quickly, paraphrase what they said and repeat that to the potential employer if they're telling you something important. Hell show some bloody insight if you can. Find some common ground or something, it'll make you both more comfortable and you'll be that much closer to finding a new job =]

I think that's about it. There've been quite a few people asking around about how to find a job and I can't be bothered repeating myself that many times...maybe I'll just give them a link to this post next time...meh whatever...I actually don't mind being asked, in fact I feel quite flattered that they think me a job whoring bastard =D

Good luck with finding a job, hope you found some of this helpful ^^

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