13 December, 2009

Employed again!

Damn...These past two weeks have been like an emotional roller coaster...Was fullay depressed about not having a job after I quit it. Don't get me wrong....I couldn't have stayed at red's for much longer, I was happy that I left an unstable and shifty job but I've been almost constantly employed for the last 4 years of my life and the feeling of unemployment was both irritating and errr.....empty? Iono...I just feel that I need a job to fulfill some sort of subconscious requirement or maybe I'm just used to having shit all free time then again....I think I like having shit all free time to myself =/ I mean...I think that I live off the pressure of not having enough time to do shit otherwise I fall to pieces....does that even make sense???

Ah whatever...so yea, I've got a new job at a hospitality recruitment agency, not as a recruiter but as was one of the recruited. The basic gist of my new job is as follows: 
  • I call up for a shift/job
  • The agency offers me a job, I can accept or reject the job =D
  • If I accept said job, the agency tells me the time, location, what to wear and what to bring along.
  • That's it!
Sound good? Well...IT IS!!! Too bad about the strict policies....no smoking (no such thing as a 5 minute smoke break >.<), no chewing of gum, must have short tidy hair, any misbehavior results in being fired like immediately ....shit like that =/

Anyways, I had my first shift on the 11th at The Rocks. Preh good gig...here's a brief overview of my night =P

  • Arrived there at around 5pm for my check-in with the agency
  • Waited around UNPAID for an hour!!! Time spent between check-ins and official start time don't get paid....ghey...spent the time socialising with my new workmates most of them recently employed like myself lol. Had a lil bit of fun teaching this cute brunette how to tie a tie ahahahahaha fun =]
  • Sooooo at around 6 we all got assigned our positions for the night. Got assigned as a food attendant for an extremely small area like...really small...just the entrance area but I suppose that area is the busiest in terms of providing food to the patrons =/
  • Waited around for another hour for the all you can eat and drink party...this time PAID for waiting around!
  • At around 7pm, started bringing out food for the patrons....DAMN THAT FOOD LOOKED AND SMELLED GOOD!!! LUCKY BASTARDS!!!
  • Walked around with platters on my arm offering food to all those lucky bastards ^^;
  • Started random conversations with aforementioned lucky bastards, most of which were friendly...even a lil flirtatious ;)
  • At around 10, everyone was pretty much serving wine, topping up glasses or doing glassy work.
  • Errr...at 10:30(???) desserts were brought out. Tiny ass gelato or someshit on an equally tiny cone. The plate had some errr....liquid that was reacting with dry ice creating the "steam" making the dish look v.v.very sexy and appetising especially to them gals =P
  • Spent the last 10 or so minutes of my shift hanging around the dance area looking for glasses....and errr some....harmless fun that involved some fine brunette to accidentally spill some wine on me and lick it off ^^;
  • At 11pm we all signed out for the night. First thing a majority of us did as soon as we took a step out of the venue was.....LIGHT THE FUCK UP!!! No nicotine for 5 hours is a pain in the ass!!!
So yea...you could say I had some fun during my first shift for the agency =D A lil bit of harmless flirting never hurt anyone....right...? RIGHT!??!?! -cough- Err....where was I? Yea...the brunette, she was cute =] Bit short...slim, nice errr....derriere. Umm...probably offending some random chick that might just be reading this so yea....gonna stop with the description >.>

I think I'm getting too cocky when I work.... Must have caught it back in my previous job =/ Meh, still...gotta love being able to grab someone's attention after a few quick words, too bad I don't know what to do next ahahahahahaha...ha....ha....fuck I'm screwed ^^;

It looks like I'll have plenty of opportunities to learn though....so I think I'll pick up whatever I need to know from this job....It sure has potential =D


MANDA said...

grats on getting the job !

Anonymous said...

next stop.
this is your driver speaking.