29 April, 2010

Roll Call

I've learnt a lot of things over the past 4 years thanks to the people around me, some of those things have been completely useless but a majority of the things I've learnt from them have made me who I am today. The first place where I really learned something was at you guessed it...Maccas! No matter how much I complain about that place and how much I bag it out, I really did enjoy working there. Not because of working at maccas itself, I mean who wants to be covered in oil all day? I enjoyed working at maccas because that's where I kind of grew up, I learned to be less naive, gained confidence and more importantly I gained friends that gave me a part of themselves whether it was through lecturing, whacking me on the head or just hanging out. I don't mean to say that all the friends I gained worked at maccas but that was the catalyst for me escaping being an antisocial retard for the rest of my life....not that I'm any less of a retard mind you.

Some of my best friends were found in that period of time and the bonds between us only got stronger, I learned more from them and they learned how to put up with my inane comments and stupidity but somewhere down along the track...I lost contact with some of them due to various reasons but the worst loss of them all well if you know me, you should know who those two people are. I lost 2 of the most irreplaceable people in my life for something that could have been easily remedied but no...I'm one lazy sonuvabitch. I won't forget what I learned from them neither will I forget the good times and the bad because that's what friends are for right? Sticking together regardless of what happens but I suppose I can't meet their expectations. I'm not a child anymore....I still have some childlike tendencies but that's not the point, I have to be able to accept whatever comes and what has already happened and move on...but I can't. Not from this. Not from the loss of something so important and irreplaceable that I can't even really imagine life without them. Sure, I'm a cocky asshole when the occasion calls for it but that's when I'm distracted from my own thoughts, fuck I must sound emo right about now gah whatever, it's my life and my blog. Deal with it.

For all the comfort and sagely advice you've given me Garmon...Thank you, I doubt I could deal with what I'm going through right now without it.
For all the lectures, raging and setting me straight every single time. Thanks Chris, I wouldn't have any confidence or pretty much any backbone if it wasn't for you.

I'm sorry it ended the way it did, I'm sorry for what I put you guys through but sorry isn't enough so instead of whining and making excuses, I'd rather thank you guys for everything you've done. Thanks for not making me feel like an outcast, thanks for being there when I needed it, thanks for putting up with me, thanks for inviting me to everything, thanks for teaching me, thanks for getting angry at me, thanks for being blunt with me, thanks for telling me off but most of all. Thanks for being my friends. I miss you guys more than I can express in words. Fuck my life, can't I type this shit without tearing up? Fuck. Life isn't the same without you guys.

I sincerely hope that whatever you guys are doing, that you're doing well and happy.

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