27 October, 2010

Devastating Revelations

Right. So what have I been doing with my life? Failed a few subjects in my course. Kept a job and am looking at a promotion (whee?). Pissed off a fair few people. Got bitch slapped by a stinging rebuke. Damn. That was quick. And short =/ Shit. Errr....well might as well go on and explain the last couple of things since that's more likely to get someone to laugh at my stupidity or pity me forever more. Alternatively you could just not give a shit. That's more likely =]

I talk too much about work, I'm overconfident, I don't know when to be modest, I don't know how to take a compliment, I overreact over the slightest things just for kicks. In other words (her words really): I am an egotistical drama queen. Somehow I thought I would've had more words.....hmmm after effects of being told something I might have been aware of but twice as painful because it's true and from someone I actually give a shit about. No that wasn't from my sis although she reminds me of the fact a fair amount but not in those words =/ 

So I like to talk about what I do....isn't that natural? But I take it too far. That's a given. But fuck....it's not I'm INTENTIONALLY trying to show off or be an ass. Ugh. I know now that my ego has been a sort of barrier against many things like fatigue, stress and apathy. Now that it's deflated and I see myself for what some others see me as I feel as if I've been covering the cracks in myself with paper. Time to ram it full of concrete instead.

Maybe I'll fill my mouth with it while I'm at it.

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