31 January, 2010

Light me up

My logic is shit. There I've said it. My friends have been telling me this for a while but yea...I'm finally admitting it. With the way I think and behave, it's surpising that I'm not on any type of drugs ahahahaha......no seriously I'm NOT on ANY substance =/

So yea, I can't explain things properly to people unless I use random analogies and examples, I randomly say things in conversations that have nothing to do with the topic, I misunderstand what people say, and sometimes....I don't even know what I'm saying myself. Preh random eh?

Now that I've admitted to myself (and to anyone who reads this) that I have a problem, I think I can work on it ahahaha. Looking through my mind is like looking through a kaleidoscope: Everything comes out in a weird and new way....wait...wait....that's a shit example....errr....yea I think I've got a better one! My mind is like a.....fuck lost it =/ Ahh whatever...let's just go with my mind is bloody impossible to comprehend o___O

Hmmm....I should be doing a recap over the last few weeks...but I really can't be bothered ahahaha, the past few weeks have been pretty good to me with all them random opportunities and experiences. Screw it, here's a quick run through (hopefully in chronological order) : Worked at Big Day Out, fullay best job I've done all year (also the first but errr...who gives a shit? =P). Got to listen to some pretty good music while trying to milk some tips out of some potentially drunk suckas....I mean some VERY sober and valuable customers -cough cough- yea....

Went to Kintoki's Australia Day BBQ, was a fullay good way to relax after some long ass hours at BDO. Damn....I wouldn't mind having that every year =] Continuing on...yea we prepared the BBQ practically one day before it happened ahahaha not bad considering the lack of time we put in =DDD Too bad I burnt the chicken on more than one occasion (I should know better by now....) In any case: Thanks for having me Garmon! Sorry about the chicken!!!

Anyways, I'd just like to finish this half assed blog with some errr...you know some...parting thoughts? Well, here we are: Life is like some random food....like.....uhhhh.....mashed potatoes! You take the lumps with the nice pureed stuff.....unless some fullay skilled chef prepared it.....FUCK! Killed my own parting thoughts ahahahaha....damn I suck at this =[

Attempt number 2! .....Actually scrap that....I can't think of a proper analogy =/ Screw this I'm looking for another job first....I need money Q_____Q


Anonymous said...

im glad to have had you at my bbq
and yes your logic is silly
i have told leaf about it and i have dubbed it bill stubbornness

the stubbornness that is beyond regular stubbornness. always responding with 'nah, s'okay. dont worry, ill take care of it'

MANDA said...

your logic is so bad i don't think it can even be called logic HAHAHA x]

BlackDog said...

Thanks for the support guys ^^;