25 March, 2010

Food for thought

Well well, it's been a while since I last blogged. Lack of net, random assignments, random cbf moments....wait...random cbf? Che I cbf all the time what the fuck am I on about =/ Anyways, without any further ado let's get to the meaty part of my random thoughts. Yesterday I had a very interesting discussion with Iris on how a person's taste in food can be used to describe a person...and there's some random chinese saying that describes it. It's supposed to be something like if you can't eat bitter foods then you won't be able to deal with the bitter things in life. Interesting no?

Continuing on... I know people say shit like "You are what you eat" and I think that's kinda true. Kids being immature and only know the good things in life (generally speaking) prefer sweet things, as they grow up the kids will learn to enjoy salty things, endure bouts of sourness and eventually learn to taste the bitter sting of defeat without rejecting it completely. What I'm trying to say is...food is a universal language and a person's personal preference in one of the 4 categories of taste says a lot about them.

The four main categories of taste are: Sweet, Salty, Sour and Bitter. Supposedly there's a 5th taste called umami (savoury) but I'll skip that for now. Now for my thoughts =]

Sweet~ Ahhh sweetness, defined by a random article I read in a newspaper as the least refined taste in the world as well as metaphor for happiness. As the least complex and most popular taste, it really does define the people who enjoy sweetness the most. Children = Happy and uncomplicated. I could also say that people in distress (mainly girls) like to have something sweet that reminds them of better times or perhaps even bring them hope for the possibility of happiness in the future. Kind of reminds me of those pampered silly women way past their expiry date, I am of course referring to Pittypat from Gone with the Wind. Silly woman...Read the book it's a good read, thoroughly enjoyable. Oh idealists, fatties and people who choose to ignore anything that isn't good could be the other types of people who like sweet things a bit too much.

Salty~ Saltiness, slightly more refined than the taste of sweetness but still a relatively simple taste compared to bitter and sour. You could say if something tastes salty it's down to earth kind of like how people learn to accept reality (damn christians...continue eating your sweet bread and live in your delusional world -.-), in other words growing up or learning about new things I suppose. I really can't find an adequate explanation for this taste =/

Sour~ Blegh, gah, etc. The initial response to anything sour or even something surprising. A tolerance of sour foods like lemons could mean that a person can deal with things that don't go according to plan in life. But then again, it could reflect what a person is like....like err someone could have a bad disposition to everything acting "sour". Bad sportsmanship for example could be classified as being sour but that could mean that person has not tolerance for anything sour o___O

Bitter~ Apparently it's the taste of poison. It takes time to develop a taste for bitter things like coffee and alcohol making this taste more refined than the others in a way. A person who cannot endure the taste of bitterness can't deal with failure in life, figuratively speaking of course. To really appreciate something bitter, you have to be able to taste it and come out with a better understanding of it. Kind of like problems and failures in life, learning from your mistakes and thinking back on the experience to remind yourself about your lesson. Something like that? Maybe I'm over analysing...meh...continuing on....drinking coffee in the morning, a typically "adult" preference/habit could be a way of reinforcing the value of being able to deal with problems...but then there's the issue of adding sugar. The amount you add determines how much of the problem you can really deal with.

Savoury~ I know I said I'd skip this but....hell it's a good one ^^ Savoury foods...who doesn't enjoy them? I don't know of anyone that doesn't like savoury foods so I'll get to the point. Savouring experiences or prolonging a feeling or whatever you want to call it is what this taste is about. Everyone wants to have fun just that much longer, to enjoy that moment for a little more...it's a taste that no one can deny. People who enjoy too much savoury foods could be called indulgent and errr.....could possibly end up fat =P

Mix and match the tastes and you can see a bit of what a person is like. A guy who consumes a lot of bitter things but eats a sweet cake with it, say....coffee with no sugar could be someone who has had a rough time but dreams of better times. Salt and vinegar on chips! Now that's a combination to randomly go on about! Salty - realistic. Sour - surprise. Savoury - enjoyment. Errr....Living in the real world, likes something a bit out of the ordinary and enjoys life generally ^^; Hahahaha......I shouldn't into it too much, it isn't that accurate but I do honestly believe your preferences in the taste of your food reflect a bit of who you are and how you deal with life. You are what you eat after all =]


Unknown said...

What if I like it ALL?!?!? :O

Anonymous said...

You're so bitter about Christianity.

Now I'm not Christian myself, but goddamn, they must have really screwed you over LOL!