30 April, 2010

Random Inspiration

To make myself fall asleep, I tend to watch a movie that I've seen that's either mediocre or slightly musical just because I find it hard to sleep in silence unless I'm extremely tired. You might be wondering where this is going but it's more than likely you don't give a shit =] So here I was watching harry potter 6 for the somethingth time and I recall something about the taste of butter beer in the books then all these random ideas on how to make a drink like it just rush into my head. SOOOO here's my recipe for a butter beer not that I've tried making it yet but it seems to be right in theory ^^;

Butter Beer

Serves 2

3 shots of Bailey's Irish Cream
1 shot of Kahlua coffee liqueur
1 medium sized egg
A dollop of cream (preferably whipped cream)
3 teaspoons of white sugar
120-150mL of milk
Chocolate powder

Add milk and sugar into shaker, stir til mostly dissolved.
Fill shaker with ice, add egg, liqueurs and all other ingerdients. Top off with ice if required.
Shake for about a minute. This recipe has egg and cream in it so you'll have to shake for longer to get everything to mix properly.
Pour into two short glasses (a latte glass should be fine)
Dust off with chocolate powder.

Should be alright. It's a bit on the fatty side with the cream and egg so yea...anyways the egg should make it rich and viscous so don't add more than one egg unless you want it to be REALLY rich.

Yea....random idea, might as well put it somewhere before I forget what the hell I was on about hahahaha. Inspiration does come from anywhere =]

29 April, 2010

Roll Call

I've learnt a lot of things over the past 4 years thanks to the people around me, some of those things have been completely useless but a majority of the things I've learnt from them have made me who I am today. The first place where I really learned something was at you guessed it...Maccas! No matter how much I complain about that place and how much I bag it out, I really did enjoy working there. Not because of working at maccas itself, I mean who wants to be covered in oil all day? I enjoyed working at maccas because that's where I kind of grew up, I learned to be less naive, gained confidence and more importantly I gained friends that gave me a part of themselves whether it was through lecturing, whacking me on the head or just hanging out. I don't mean to say that all the friends I gained worked at maccas but that was the catalyst for me escaping being an antisocial retard for the rest of my life....not that I'm any less of a retard mind you.

Some of my best friends were found in that period of time and the bonds between us only got stronger, I learned more from them and they learned how to put up with my inane comments and stupidity but somewhere down along the track...I lost contact with some of them due to various reasons but the worst loss of them all well if you know me, you should know who those two people are. I lost 2 of the most irreplaceable people in my life for something that could have been easily remedied but no...I'm one lazy sonuvabitch. I won't forget what I learned from them neither will I forget the good times and the bad because that's what friends are for right? Sticking together regardless of what happens but I suppose I can't meet their expectations. I'm not a child anymore....I still have some childlike tendencies but that's not the point, I have to be able to accept whatever comes and what has already happened and move on...but I can't. Not from this. Not from the loss of something so important and irreplaceable that I can't even really imagine life without them. Sure, I'm a cocky asshole when the occasion calls for it but that's when I'm distracted from my own thoughts, fuck I must sound emo right about now gah whatever, it's my life and my blog. Deal with it.

For all the comfort and sagely advice you've given me Garmon...Thank you, I doubt I could deal with what I'm going through right now without it.
For all the lectures, raging and setting me straight every single time. Thanks Chris, I wouldn't have any confidence or pretty much any backbone if it wasn't for you.

I'm sorry it ended the way it did, I'm sorry for what I put you guys through but sorry isn't enough so instead of whining and making excuses, I'd rather thank you guys for everything you've done. Thanks for not making me feel like an outcast, thanks for being there when I needed it, thanks for putting up with me, thanks for inviting me to everything, thanks for teaching me, thanks for getting angry at me, thanks for being blunt with me, thanks for telling me off but most of all. Thanks for being my friends. I miss you guys more than I can express in words. Fuck my life, can't I type this shit without tearing up? Fuck. Life isn't the same without you guys.

I sincerely hope that whatever you guys are doing, that you're doing well and happy.

21 April, 2010

The hunt continues

It's been about what? Over half a month since I last blogged? So here I am again, sitting here being irritated by an assortment of issues, some of them random and some of them pretty damn serious....or so I like to believe. Well let's get on with it.

I'm still in debt and still looking for a STABLE job. I've been paying the debt off $50 a week and I can't really complain that much, it's not like I didn't do this to myself but in any case I don't really care about my debt any more, when it's gone, it's gone. More important is my search for a stable source of income which isn't going that well... I think. I've had more than 4 jobs this year and it's not something to be proud of, here's some shit I had to deal with so far:

Calling up for a shift - A major pain in the ass, seriously. Who the hell wants to call up and ask for a shift and then get a reply like "I'm sorry we don't have any shifts available at the moment" or not even getting paid for whatever work you did do. Pain the fucking ass indeed.

Not getting called back AFTER they tell you you've got the job - Right...I don't really need to say anything on this do I? I mean, I called them to remind them I exist and that I want to work...what do I get? "Send me your resume again, I'll call you back" Great....

There's more but FUCK! It irritates me just thinking about it. Continuing on...I've had more job interviews than I can really remember, most of which have people who shitloads more qualified than me...mainly because they're in their mid 20s and 30-40s. No point in trying to compete there hahahaha. Let's see...what else has gone wrong with my interviews? Oh yea, calling myself a job whore when I was asked what my friends would describe me as....damn you Sheryl! I've applied for way too many jobs this year, hell it's bound to have hit the 200 mark by now =/ It hit the 100 mark some time in February.

If you think about how many applications I've made you'd think I would've found a stable job by now ^^; Yea....you'd think that wouldn't you? Clearly you're wrong. In fact applying for all those jobs brings all sorts of consequences like having TWO INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED AT THE SAME TIME! Cancel one and go to the other...great...worst part is PICKING ONE. I know, I shouldn't be complaining, at least I can get an interview....but it's still a pain in the fucking ass.

If you don't know me then you don't know about my work experience so....don't think I'm some whingy gen Y'er that has no qualifications. Been working my ass off since the age of 15 and the longest period of time that I've been unemployed since then has been this shit period of time since January. I am bloody qualified and fuck it all if I don't have the right to be proud of it. I'm a hell of a barista, an inventive cocktail bartender, a sociable manager and most of all I AM....wait...fuck I don't know but I'll figure it out later.

Tomorrow is gonna be one busy day, I'm going to find me a new job....again. Let's see...call up star city and see if they're serious about employing me then pop by the local TAB and ask the manager if he'll take me on and maybe I'll head down to that cafe and see if they still have a position vacant. Hell, who knows what the future has in stall for me but all I know is I'm going to welcome whatever comes with everything that I am.