14 February, 2010

V for Vindictive

Well, well....what do we have here? Another over hyped and ultimately futile day dedicated to couples who may either cherish or loathe the memory of this day. Yup it's valentines day....again. All of us single dickheads such as myself are thinking one of two things.

1. NOOO I'm SINGLE ON VALENTINES DAY! I'M DOOMED! MY LIFE IS OVER! (or some melodramatic like that)

2. Pfft...valentines...who needs it? -crying on the inside-

Yea I know, you're probably thinking "What a load of BS" but it doesn't change the fact that most people feel the need to be with someone on this overrated day, no matter how much they deny it. For all I know you could be in your room crying the corner right now....somehow reading this ahahaha. But yea most if not all people feel the need for company, company that soothes you just because you're in their presence. I know my inner romantic is raging inside its prison cell but I've lost the key...need a new one....err maybe not.

Everywhere you go today, you'll see couples, valentines day decorations and worst of all...roses....fuck...roses....the single thing that symbolises this day is a rose given to your loved one. I can't even go to woolworths and buy a pack of cigarettes without being hit below the belt by the sight of roses. Every time I see roses on this day, it reminds me of how shit it is to have been single for all 19 years of my life. Some random guy said "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" I think its kinda right, I'd rather go with being loved or even having a gal somewhat interested in me. Then again...I'm so clueless about chicks that I wouldn't know if she was interested if it was printed in big ass letters floating above her head ahahaha, maybe if I wasn't so dense...nah probably not.

Where was I....right yea...Valentines is just a kick in the balls, there's all this pressure for couples to do something "special" for that special someone. There's also pressure for those of us without that "special" someone...Lucky bastards...Wait....lookie here, it just started to rain on them "lucky" couples ahahahaha.

Hmmm...I seem to have a bad case of schadenfreude but hey I'm single on valentines so shut up and give me a rose or twenty. Actually, nevermind. I'm not going to go out there and myself a girlfriend until I'm satisfied with myself. I mean you can't make someone else happy if you're not happy yourself, you'd just fuck it up. In the meantime, I'm going to have a pack of ciggies and laugh at the couples out in the rain cuz I'm vindictive like that....well just for valentines.

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